Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Oooh Baby I Like It Raw

I've finally done it-I've returned to juicing. Of course, I've only been juicing for a day, so perhaps this post is a bit premature, but I the title tickled me too much to wait another week.

Juicing- putting fruits and veggies through my Jack Lalanne power juicer to make fresh juice- has been part of my life for four years now, though as with most things, there have been peaks and valleys. I love to juice. I really do. It's amazing what juicing does to your body- it's like a Red Bull but without the crash (or scary weird ingredients). It flushes away bloat, gives you energy and just generally makes you feel terrific. My skin looks better, I feel better, everything is better when I juice regularly. But, like exercise and healthy eating, once you fall out of habit it's difficult to start again.

But start again I have, and I'll be reporting here. I'm trying so hard to be consistent with my healthy eating, and juicing always seems to help. Something about getting all those nutrients seems to curb cravings for junk.

This morning I juiced strawberries, mango and carrots. Delish. I'm also juicing for my husband, Captain Corn, because it's the best way to get nutrients in to him, as he's not much of a fruit and veggie eater- another great thing about juicing. I normally juice veggies but I wasn't about to wait until I made my next trip to the farmer's market to return to juicing. Today was the day.

So Hurray Me, I've taken yet another step toward a healthier, happier me. Go me! I'm not perfect, but I've done something I can feel proud of, and that's certainly a step in the right direction.

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