Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bang Your Head

Maybe I'm just cranky because I haven't worked out, or maybe my blood sugar is low, but gang, I've got a case of the cranky's that you just wouldn't believe.

I want. To lose. This weight. I want to take the fat suit off. I'm tired of weighing myself. I'm tired of trying on the same clothes over and over again and finding that they still don't fit. I'm tired of searching my closet for clothes to wear only to end up in the same crappy stuff over and over again. I'm tired of it, damn it! I feel like I'm banging my head against the wall here. This is driving me absolutely bananas. Losing the pregnancy weight is so much freaking harder than losing cheeseburger weight and I never guessed it would be this way. I feel like I have such a long road yet to travel, and though I'm still motivated (miraculously), still enthusiastic, some days I feel like I'm getting nowhere.

I try to keep the posts here positive but this is how I feel, this is what is real, and that's what this blog is really about- the journey. Right now I feel like I'm stuck at a rest stop rather than progressing, and I needed to get that off my chest so I could focus and regroup, which I think I've done. I need to buckle down, get in touch with my goals and keep moving forward. If I'm consistent, this will work. Consistency is my biggest challenge, and getting healthy and staying healthy will require me to find moderation and a method I can live with.

Oy. This is hard.


Geez, if only bitching about stuff burned calories....

(On the plus side, props to me for another song title/lyric post title)(If smart ass-ery burned calories I'd be Kate Moss)

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