Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Workout Playlist

Yes, I know my playlists are completely random. Let me also defend what I know is some bad music by saying that what I play at the gym is NOT what I play at home or in the car. What pumps me up to run is not necessarily what I enjoy most. Yes, I will soon stop defending all my posted playlists. I'm just not ready yet.

Flyest Angel- Nas
Lapdance- N.E.R.D.
Setting Sun- Chemical Brothers
American Boy- Estelle
La Grange- ZZ Top
Fat Bottom Girls- Queen
Hand on the Pump- Cypress Hill
Possum Kingdom- The Toadies
Sex Type Thing- Stone Temple Pilots (for the record, I dislike STP- except for this marvelous song)
The New Workout Plan- Kanye West
I Gotta Man- Positive K
I'm No Good- Amy Winehouse
Me and Mr. Jones- Amy Winehouse
Just a Friend- Biz Markie (don't you dare laugh)
She Wants to Move- N.E.R.D.

Now this is more like me

After a long day I managed to truck myself all the way over to the gym for a 7 p.m. kickboxing class. Impressive, right? There's nowhere to park on Monday nights, so I had to hike from the next lot over. Got there, stretched, warmed up, and just before class started I realized I'd left my water bottle in the car. I had plenty of time to retrieve it before class started but I didn't, because it was too long a walk to my car. And then I kickboxed for 60 minutes with no water.

What the hell is wrong with me?

And briefly, on the subject of kickboxing class let me say to Lois- Lo, you teach a terrific class, and I really enjoy it. But please note that the music of Seal is music for getting tender, not music for getting buff. PLease adjust your playlist accordingly. Also, pulsing techno remixes of REO Speedwagon? No.

But bad music and lack of water notwithstanding these classes are kicking my ass and I LOVE it. GO ME!

Yeah, I'm a slacker. What of it?

I know, I know. I went on and on (and on) about my new meal plan and how I was going to share the ups and downs, what I was eating and the progress I was making and I haven't posted since. That's because there isn't much to share. Posts would look something like this:

Day Two: Ate egg whites again

Day Three: Ate egg whites again

Day Four: Egg whites. Again

So I haven't posted. Basically what you saw as a sample from Day One is exactly what has followed the past few days. And it's actually been really easy. It might not have been if this plan were new to me. Since it's not, it was very easy to slip back in. Because I eat so often I'm really not hungry, even with all the working out I've been doing. I'm hitting the gym five days a week and working out at home with Sheilla two days each week. The scale is finally starting to move and I actually feel pretty terrific. I took my "cheat" day on Saturday night and had a piece of fried Haddock that I made at home with a pint of Guinness and some roasted broccoli (it was Pub Night at the Zimmers, on account of all the fressh Haddock they had at Costco. An homage to Rochester) and I also had a half a glass of wine one night and a handful of Tostitos another, but I'm doing great. I don't feel deprived and I'm still getting all the calcium and fiber that I need, two things I worry about when I try to cut my wheat and dairy. And of course, I feel much better without so much wheat or dairy in my diet. That's not new.

So that's it. I'm on Day 7, thank you very much, and tomorrow I start a new week, which means I get to add red meat and avocado. Not exactly exciting since I don't care much for either but Sheilla says I can have guacamole which I do love. Sounds like Wednesdays are going to Mexican night at the Zimmers! mmm!

Three weeks on this plan and then I can make changes, but since this is so similar to the plan I was already on, and to what works best for my lifestyle and my digestive system, I think I'll keep it.

So talk to me about your diet. Are you pretty consistent with your diet, or do you have ups and downs? What's the first change you make when you need to lose weight? Is there one nutrient or mineral you have to work harder to incorporate? Fiber? Calcium? Iron? Let's talk food.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Day One- This is actually going really well

So yesterday was Day One of my seven day meal plan. Here's what meals looked like for me:


1/4 cup real, old fashioned oatmeal with 1/2 cup rice milk and 1 scoop EAS protein powder; 2 egg whites with half slice of American cheese and 1 tsp ketchup


1 cup fresh berries blended with 2 scoops protein powder, ice and 1/2 cup rice milk plus 2 tsp Benefiber


1 serving (56 grams precooking weight) whole wheat linguine; 1 skinless chicken breast from a rotisserie chicken, 1.5 cups fresh organic spinach, 1 slice fresh mozzarella, 3/4 cup chunky marinara sauce


8 oz Haddock filet sauteed with 1 tbsp organic vegan canola butter, 1/4 cup white wine, 1/4 cup chicken stock and 1.5 tbsp lemon juice; 10 stalks of fresh asparagus (the skinny ones) with 1 tsp olive oil, salt and pepper.

Tons of water. Total calories: 1300 (per sparkpeople.com)

And while I was positively ravenous this morning, I wasn't hungry yesterday. I did fine.

Of course, this meal plan isn't new to me. This is how I ate before I got pregnant. It was very easy to slip back in to it, especially since I've been eating a modified version of this plan for weeks. Not bad at all. Let's see if my body responds the way it used to. Pre-pregnancy jeans by Christmas? I hope so.

I admit, I do miss alcohol, but not terribly. Having been dry for weeks, this really wasn't a change. We don't go out to eat very often and if we did, I could easily make this plan work. So far, so good. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

And we're back on (off?) the wagon

Before I became pregnant I'd reached a place where I felt I was closer than I'd ever been to mastering the art of moderation (much harder than french cooking, by the way) and I was really happy with my nutritional habits. After discovering I was pregnant the healthy eating didn't stop but I had to lose my diet mentality in favor of eating to maintain- and then to gain. I am very proud of the way I handled my pregnancy- working out with Sheilla and doing cardio consistently all the way through week 38, juicing most days and eating tons of lean protein and green vegetables, not to mention getting more than enough calcium and folic acid. But I also got used to eating bread and drinking milk while pregnant, as well as eating cake and slurping ice cream, four things which were verboten in my non pregnant life.

In July of 2007 I was diagnosed with Celiac disease, an immune deficiency that causes my body to negatively respond to the presence of gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. I could post for days about the symptoms that lead to my diagnosis, my disastrous nine weeks spent gluten free, and my perspective on the legitimacy of my diagnosis but I'll save that for another day. Your welcome. The bottom line is that the celiac diagnosis made me rethink my eating habits, as did a round of food allergy testing that indicated that I am also allergic to wheat and dairy, and to a lesser extent, shrimp and string beans. While going gluten free actually made me much sicker (NOTE: please don't email me about celiac disease, your story or why I'm wrong. I've read the books, I've seen the docs, I've lived the lifestyle, complete with sanitizing my kitchen and avoiding all processed foods, spices and marinades. Save the speech for someone who cares because I? Don't) I did have to admit, finally, that whether my celiac diagnosis is correct or is as severe as it is in other celiacs, the fact that I have been diagnosed as having both celiac disease AND wheat allergies is enough. I quit wheat. I still have pizza once a week or so, and I do continue to eat Ezekial breads (these do contain wheat but they are live grains which are not processed the same way by the body). I'm not strict about my wheat free living -I use flour for dusting and thickening, I use bread crumbs and soy sauce and I don't prepare my meals separately- but I have committed to making a change and I know it's an important one. I also know that I'm one of the lucky ones- my food allergies are mild and my system can tolerate a certain amount of gluten or wheat and still be symptom free. But the healthy thing to do is to avoid it, and I'm trying, really I am. Interestingly, I had no symptoms whatsoever while pregnant, not once, and I consumed the entire available whole grain and dairy containing world. Pregnancy does have it's up side.

Anyway, my renewed commitment to a wheat free lifestyle comes at a time when I'm also (as you well know) trying to reach some very lofty health goals. In an attempt to jump start my metabolism and weight loss, Sheilla The Trainer has started me on a seven day meal plan that looks like this:

1/4 cup rolled oats with 1/2 cup rice milk
3 egg whites

Protein Shake- I make mine with 3/4 cup fruit, 1/2 cup rice milk, 2 scoops protein powder, water and 2 tsp Benefiber (which is Gluten Free)

Fish or Chicken, spinach and a carb of my choice: I usually choose one serving of whole wheat pasta, brown rice, sweet potatoes or half a serving of quinoa (which I always avoided because of it's extremely high calorie content but which can be enjoyed in small servings).

Rice cake with peanut butter (I add 1 tsp sugar free jam- don't tell)

Chicken or Fish with asparagus or green beans (I'm going to go with any green vegetable that strikes my fancy, thank you)

I'm also enjoying shallots, garlic, mushrooms and a shaving of fresh parm or fresh mozzarella here and there, or a bit of low sugar marinade or barbecue sauce. I need to enjoy my meals and I need meals to be interesting. I love food and I love to cook, and I won't settle for a meal plan that deprives me of things that make my life worthwhile. For example, I don't love egg whites, so to make them palatable I use salt, pepper, half a slice of low fat organic cheese and some ketchup or hot sauce. Maybe I'm not following the plan to the letter but it's close enough for me. Occasionally I make myself a spinach and mushroom omelet, as Sheilla does. Tomatoes and shallots and garlic also go a long way toward making almost any dish interesting. On Sunday we went to our favorite restaurant on the beach and I enjoyed an omelet with spinach, asparagus, crab meat, fresh mozzarella and sundried tomatoes. Wheat free really can be delicious- so can healthy.

On day 5 or 6 of the plan I get a "cheat" day where I follow the meal plan but add some wine or dessert or pizza. I'll probably make a thin whole wheat pizza crust and add my green veggies and chicken to that- a BBQ chicken pizza with mushrooms and bell peppers and a spinach salad, or a white pizza with asparagus and sundried tomatoes. As for alcohol, I haven't been drinking. No, really. I know you saw the Halloween party photos but I only had a splash of wine. Really. I've decided that I miss my skinny jeans more than I'll ever miss Pinot Grigio. Besides, wine will return eventually.

So that's the scoop. On day 8, or week two, I'll get some fat added to the plan, and on week 3 I'll get some carbs, hopefully fruit as that's the only thing I miss-blueberries on my oatmeal. So far, so good. Of course, this plan is easier for me than it might be for others because I'm home during the day and can cook my own meals.

So here it is, my seven day kick start plan. Place your bets here: will I make it? Will I drop the pounds? Give up in frustration? Take a hostage? Wait and see.

Sauteed Snapper with Plum Tomatoes and Spinach

In honor of my new meal plan, a delicious fish recipe.

If you can't find snapper, purchase another mild, firm white fish, such as cod or halibut. If your trainer still lets you eat carbs, serve alongside your favorite pasta tossed with pesto.

4 servings (serving size: 1 fillet and about 1/2 cup spinach mixture)

1 tablespoon olive oil, divided
4 (6-ounce) snapper fillets
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 1/2 cups diced plum tomato (about 6 tomatoes)
2 teaspoons bottled minced garlic
1/4 cup dry white wine
3 cups baby spinach leaves
Heat 1 1/2 teaspoons oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Sprinkle fish evenly with salt and pepper. Add fish to pan; cook 2 minutes on each side. Remove fish from pan.

Heat remaining 1 1/2 teaspoons olive oil in pan over medium-high heat. Add tomato and garlic; sauté 1 minute. Stir in wine; simmer 2 minutes. Add spinach to pan; cook for 1 minute or just until spinach wilts. Return fish to pan. Spoon tomato mixture over fish; cook 1 minute or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork or until desired degree of doneness.

Nutritional Information
225 (24% from fat)
5.9g (sat 1g,mono 2.9g,poly 1.3g)